Searching for the perfect role can be hard, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. Some of these tips on job search are so simple that many job seekers overlook them!
1. Don’t just apply to any old job
It’s a rookie mistake to blanket email your resume out to recruiters or hiring managers. Your resume just won’t get cut through.
Instead, try narrowing your search to target your ideal job or industry. This way you’ll be able to tailor your approach and will give yourself the best chance for landing the role.
Only apply for jobs that you really want. This way you’ll be able to hone down on your technical and transferable skills to show why you’re the perfect candidate for the role.
2. Save time using Advanced Search
All the popular job boards, such as Indeed and SEEK, have some sort of ‘Advanced Search’ option where you can drill down your job search by:
Type of job (being full time, part-time, contract or other)
Date posted
And more
If you have a non-negotiable item, cut through the noise by using the advanced search to filter out the jobs that aren’t suitable.
3. Get on LinkedIn
More than 90% of recruiters use Linkedin for professional roles, and usage is jumping up in blue-collar sectors, too.
So, if you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, you’re pretty much invisible online.
Jump online and create a LinkedIn profile for free (you can use these tips to help you along the way). Once you’re up and running, keep your profile up-to-date and turn on the option that tells recruiters that you’re open to new opportunities.
4. Don’t limit yourself by just applying to jobs online
While it’s important to make online applications part of your job search, online job boards should not be the be-all-and-end-all.
For starters, over 80% of jobs are found through networking. So reach out to your family, friends, ex-coworkers and more to see if they know of anything going. You can also reach out to people already working with the company to schedule an informational interview about the place you’d like to work.
While you’re at it, take a look at your local print classifieds. In today’s online world, print advertising tends to be forgotten. So, you may find a role listed that attracts less competition.
Mix it up a little by making online applications only one part of your job search strategy. Reach out to your networks, contact key stakeholders at the company you are looking to work for and get in touch with a recruiter. Consider printed classifieds as well.
5. Make it your job to job hunt
Finding the perfect role takes a bit of time and effort. You need to treat it like a job and work on it daily until you find the ideal match.
Schedule a time every day to chip away at your job search a little bit more. This way, it will become a habit, and the routine will also help keep you mentally fit while job hunting.
6. Tailor your resume for each role that you apply for
Gone are the days where you uploaded a PDF version of your resume to a portal and waited for a response. These days, it’s super easy to tailor your resume for each job that you apply for to help grab your readers attention.
Take a look at the job ad or job description and plug words that they use into your resume. This strategy will help you portray yourself as a smack-in-the-head obvious fit for the role; particularly to a recruiter who may not know the nitty-gritty details of the work.
What’s more, these days, there’s about a 50% chance that an applicant tracking system will read your resume before a human. So, this technique will help your resume get past the system.
7. Remember that a thank-you note can make a world of difference
Job interviews are a competitive landscape, and sometimes you’ll find yourself up against an opponent with similar drive, pizazz, experience and skills. So, how might you set yourself apart? Try thanking your interviewers for their time after your interview.
If you’re interviewing, be sure to send a genuine thank you note after your interview. It’s a thoughtful gesture that will get you back on the interviewer’s mind. What’s more, it’ll also give you one last chance to portray how excited you are about the opportunity (a win-win in our opinion).
8. Coach your references
When a hiring manager asks for your referees, don’t just through anyone in the ring. Only put forward a list of people who will support you and are easily contactable.
As a courtesy, be sure to touch base with them before giving out their details. If they are happy to provide you with a reference, give them a heads up about what to expect and what you’d like them to say.
Get in touch with your references to let them know:
You’re providing their details to a recruiter or hiring manager
The job-specific skills that you’d like them to discuss to help make you the frontrunner for the role.
9. Get in touch with Trojan Recruitment
If you’re looking to land that perfect role, why not get in touch with an expert? The consultants at Trojan Recruitment know about job opportunities before they hit the market, and can help you get in front of the companies you want to work for. Register your interest or apply online today!
Looking for more tips on job search? Try these great resources: